Islamskie Zgromadzenie Ahl-ul-Bayt

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Władze Religijne

Spiritual and Administrative Head of the Shiite Muslim Community
His Eminence Hojjat al-Islām Sheikh Ryszard Ahmed Rusnak
Chief Imam of Poland

National Islamic Religious Authority of Poland
Krajowe Islamskie Władze Religijne Polski

The official national organs of the Ahl-ul-Bayt (as) Islamic Assembly are:

1) Chief Imam of Poland - National Head of the Ahlul-Bayt (as) Islamic Assembly
                                             and Shia Muslim Community in Poland

2) The Supreme Islamic Council of Poland

Oficjalnymi krajowymi organami Islamskiego Zgromadzenia Ahl-ul-Bayt (as)

1) Naczelny Imam Polski

2) Najwyższa Rada Islamska


Honorable Head of the Ahlul-Bayt (as) Islamic Assembly of Poland
His Eminence
Hazrat Sheikh Ryszard Ahmed Rusnak

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